System requirements
Linux / FreeBSD / Solaris / NT
Free space: 10mb
Knowledge HTML
Cron Access
Recommended hosting:
1 copy: $144-$130
2 copies: $255-$230
3 copies: $332-$300
+1 copy after 3-d: $94-$85
1 month $28-$25
first month $45-$40
Installation above other toplist scripts without traffic loss
Detailed prices
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DF" TopList Professional
DF" TopList Pro - is a professional ranking system(toplist software), it have all possibilities necessary for modern toplist (reset/no reset mode, count Hits In after Out Hits, "freezing" account in toplist, categories, MultiAdd, random redirection from a selected sites amount and much more). Modules: multiregistration of members (MultiAdd), accounts multiadministaration (MultiMembers), toplists multiadministaration (MultiAdmin), members sites monitoring (Site Monitor), payments reception and members management system (Merchant)New.
Toplist has a multilevel anti-cheat protection and traffic filtration system, which gives you a possibility to sieve low-quality traffic and increase the toplist output considerably.
TopList completely written in C++ and much faster than the analogous scripts written in perl/php. It allows to noticeably decrease server upload and at the same time gives additional possibilities to its users.
Toplist has a flexible and convenient system of adjustment, which allows adapting it to different task performances. Although of a great variety of functions toplist is optimized and steady.
Toplist can be installed above other toplist scripts with preservation of members' database and entrance links.
Demo version:
DF" TopList Professional: Administration | Members zone | Ranking page
Free version: DF" TopList Lite
Anti-cheat protection - Toplist has a powerful anti-cheat protection system. More than 10 mechanisms used in the script of the toplist make any kind of the cheating attempts almost impossible. Toplist has the Auto Blocking feature. It blocks member if he is trying to cheat and unblock him when normal traffic properties will be reached. Also it can decrease Hits In for members with bad traffic quality. Traffic properties at which will occur members blocking or IN-Hits decreasing are specified by administrator. These functions can be separately turned off for exception of erroneous blocking. Toplist gives a full and detailed graphic statistics of cheating attempts.
Reliability - Our team has been working on toplist and CGI applications developing since the year of 2000 and we know about the reliability of such programs from our own experience. We have created a fully automated toplist, which does not require additional software or any special OS server setup. Automatic database backup with file rotation and compression allows fast restoring of toplist operability in case of server breakdown. Disk space control allows making the most efficient use of server disk space and you will not have to worry about disk quota exceeding. As the toplist does not use MySQL, Php and cron it does not depend on their operability. Thus you are insured against any bugs in the work of these services (languages), which will help you to save time, money, and nerves.
Efficiency and productivity - We have chosen the optimal ways of information storage using binary databases. It allows increasing the speed of reading and processing of information. Applying toplist algorithms in C++ language, allows using server resources in the most flexible and rational way. It considerably decreases server upload thus increasing toplist operating speed giving additional advantages in comparison with other languages. Usually a big number of functions and adjustments in script does not contribute to its operating speed. We understand that and do not try to add doubtfully useful features which can have a negative effect on the operating speed. We make high demands of the frequently used functions trying to increase their operating speed to the maximum. Our goal is to create a highly efficient toplist without detriment to its operating speed.
Functions - The toplist has a big number of functions and possibilities a full list of which you can read below. Among them there are some unique functions such as WAP administration, built-in mail client (MailBox), setup utility program, mail form for message sending. There are additional modules such as a system of adding members to a few toplists simultaneously (MultiAdd); the system for managing of multiple toplist accounts (DF™ Toplist MultiMembers); random toplist site redirection (RandomURL), toplist searching engine (Finder), payments reception and members management system (Merchant)New.
Installation above other toplists without traffic loss - Our toplist can be installed above your toplist with the preservation of all members and entrance links. Webmasters will not have to register again or change toplist entrance links promptly. We already do have an experience of installing our script above AutoRank Pro, Solution Top Sites Pro and other toplists.
Modernization - you know modern Internet technologies are developing rapidly and that is why we do not stop working on improvement of our toplist. When implementing new functions we pay attention to the needs and suggestions of Webmasters and try to make our toplist efficient and at the same time easy to use. If you have any ideas or suggestions concerning the improvement of our toplist we would appreciate you sharing them with us and do our best to realize them in further versions of the toplist.
Technical support - We install our toplist free of charge and will always advise you on its usage in case you have any troubles. Our team will help you to solve quickly any problems connected with toplist adjustment (in some cases we will need toplist password or ftp access).
Interested but still having doubts? We can give you a possibility to test our toplist before purchasing it.
Functions and possibilities: • Simplicity of toplist installation:
• convenient installation program;
• default settings autocomplition when launching toplist for the first time.
• Simplicity and a great number of possibilities of toplist design adjustments:
• Two mode of set-up of design top list;
• Built-in examples possible designs top lists;
• all toplist pages have html templates and everything a designer needs is html knowledge;
• Built-in editor of page of a rating with preview of edited page;
• possibility to divide the general site list to different pages;
• Possibility to divide the list sites were on one page on some tables with various properties (amount of cells, colours, fonts etc.);
• Possibility to possess sites in a page horizontally (on some in a number), vertically (classically), and also is combined;
• Possibility to set up all properties of cells of the tables, fonts in the description of site depending on alternation of site in a page;
• possibility to choose a minimum and maximum number of displayed sites in the rating list;
• possibility to choose different font size of site description depending on its place in the list;
• possibility to use banners of different size up to the maximum banner size;
• possibility to mark new sites in the list with a picture or text (html);
• possibility to display text or icons (Up/Down/Unchanged) which correspond to the change of site rank position in comparison with the previous position;
• possibility to assign icons to the members;
• possibility to display a randomly chosen site out of the list on the toplist page;
• possibility to assign a certain amount of banners in the rating list;
• possibility to set limits on the site name and description size.
• The built-in editor of templates of pages of user's interfaces (members area);
• possibility to use SSI, PHP, etc. when editing rating page;
• Opportunity of restriction of symbols quantity of site description at displaying in the listNew;
• Flexibility and conveniences in toplist adjustment:
• Possibility of work in Reset or No Reset Mode, i.e. with zeroing of toplist after given time or without zeroing - displaying of statistics in list for the given interval of time;
• The improved type of traffic redirection for the best toplist indexation in search engines;
• Possibility to create multiple categories with various themes;
• Possibility to display pages with detailed information about each member. Is used in some toplists which looks like a bulletin board. For example, when the traffic is moved from toplist page not on site of the member, but on page with a more detail information about the member.
• possibility to hold a site in a fixed position in the list not depending on the amount of traffic sent to it (HoldRank). Also there is a possibility to hold a site higher or lower of a fixed position in the list;
• available integrated detailed help pages;
• toplist time is set relative to GMT and that is why its time will not change when moving the toplist to another server. Putting a clock to summer/winter time is can be performed automatically;
• possibility to use two kinds of administrator area password authorization (.htaccess and a usual html password);
• possibility to set up your own date and time format;
• possibility to use cron for launching different toplist actions;
• possibility of site blocking without removing it out of the toplist;
• possibility to block the participant account editing;
• possibility of delay in displaying new sites in the list without the approval of them by the administrator;
• possibility to set up site visiting coefficient thus increasing or decreasing its position in the toplist;
• possibility to set up a default banner for sites lacking banner information;
• account search engine for the administrator;
• 17+ methods of account sorting in administrator's area.
• Unlimited number of data fields for storage of any member's informationNew;
• Powerful multilevel anti-cheat protection system:
• anti-cheat mechanisms based on the use of JavaScript, JavaApplet, cookie:
- unique sessions;
- referrer check-ups;
- protection against fake IP-addresses;
- hidden link;
- "random formula" mechanism;
- unique Out link;
• Automatic blocking of members who tryes to cheat the toplist:
- the series of parameters for automatic blocking;
- an automatic unblocking of the member after improvement of the traffic;
- log of blocking members.
• Automatic IN-Hits decreasing of members depending on quality of the traffic and cheat attempts:
- a plenty of settings parameters of quality of the traffic;
- assignment of speed IN-Hits decreasing.
• detailed and general graphic statistics of all toplist cheating attempts.
• Various adjustments for In Hits counting with the purpose of traffic quality raising:
• possibility to count Hits In after Out Hits;
• possibility to count only unique Hits:
- unique for the whole toplist hits;
- unique for one specific account hits;
• possibility not to count Hits In from proxy servers;
• possibility not to count Hits In with IP-addresses from a list (anonymous proxy servers);
- an opportunity of updating of the list of IP-addresses from the file using the command line, it can be used cron and can be used with services which delivers lists of anonymous proxies.
• possibility not to count Hits In made by surfers from certain countries.
• possibility not to count Hits In without Referrer URL variable.
• possibility not to count Hits In of SE bots.
• Expanded toplist statistics:
• graphic Raw / Uniq / In / Out / Clicks Hits statistics for the administrator and participants;
• detailed admin graphic statistics for hours, days, months;
• average value of Raw / Uniq / In / Out / Clicks Hits statistics for hours, days, months;
• traffic statistics by categories in statistics of the toplist administrator.
• division into real and summary statistics. Changes in account values made by the administrator do not influence the real statistics;
• statistics on participant's inactivity time;
• real-time statistics review. Some parameters can be newer than the ones in the list because toplist renewal is performed within certain intervals established by the administrator;
• toplist error log is available, which will help to debug any errors on-the-fly;
• different kinds of statistics sorting;
• Referrer statistics:
• administrator and participant statistics;
• Raw/Hits, URL, ID statistics sorting;
• statistics conducting has two variants of adjustment:
- a full link is used (that is a link with all parameters);
- a short link is used (parameters are not included, only the link before "?" is used).
• Country statistics:
• statistics keeps with using GeoIP-database;
• internal or server (mod_geoip) GeoIP-database can be used;
• available import into internal database the GeoIP-database of the others companies such as (MaxMind.com, www.ip2location.com, ip-to-country.webhosting.info). Web-interface is available;
• for each country, the members sending maximal quantity of the traffic of this country are shown;
• country statistics for members.
• Unique mail possibilities:
• built-in MailBox (mail client) for the administrator and participants. MailBox allows exchanging messages between the participants and administator without using e-mail:
- Inbox, Sent, Trash folders;
- administrator is able to write messages to the participants or to any e-mail address;
- "reply", "forward", "move to trash", "delete" functions;
- possibility to limit the size of any field of the message;
- message templates;
- possibility to use macros in message templates;
- possibility for the administrator and participants to duplicate messages from the MailBox to e-mail addresses;
• possibility to exchange messages between the participants with the help of MailBox:
- administrator can forbid correspondence between the participants;
- participant can forbid receiving messages from other participants;
• mailform which allows to send a message to the administrator form the toplist page;
- unlimited number of data fields for message of site visitorsNew;
- confirmation letters to the message sender (to the site visitor)New;
- spam filter of incoming messagesNew;
- opportunity of sending letters to all members from rating page;
• possibility of mass delivery to MailBox or e-mail to all or chosen participants;
• possibility to send e-mail messages to the inactive participants;
• possibility to record e-mail addresses of all participants in one file for further mass deliveries.
• Opportunity to correct in the editor the templates of letters and post interfaces;
• log of errors while sending mail.
• Backup and restore of the toplist database:
• selective backup of different toplist databases;
• automatic backup of toplist databases:
- full or custom;
- possibility of compression;
- setting intervals between the time of reserve copying;
- rotation of backup files, that is saving of a certain amount of the latest reserve copies;
• possibility to download backup files from web. Necessary function, when there is no possibility to download backup file from ftp;
• possibility to restore files of one account;
• compression of backup files using standard algorithm (.gz):
- small size of backup files of toplist databases will save disk space and make it easier to move toplist on another server;
- possibility to unpack files with the help of tar and gzip not using toplist functions.
• Possibility to use confirmation page before entering the toplist:
• possibility not to show confirmation page to the surfer visiting it for the second time;
• intensive anti-cheat protection on the confirmation page:
- use of unique sessions;
- referrer check-up.
• Additional modules and utilities:
• the utility of toplist restoring, automatic restoring of members bases, restoring of deleted catalogues. A solution of some problems of toplist moving.
• redirection to the randomly chosen sites which are in the list at the moment. Possibility to limit the number of sites from which the redirection is chosen, for example, you can adjust the redirection among the first few sites in the list;
• The search engine within the toplist for surfers;
- The search of site is carried out on everything, registered accounts in toplist;
- The search is carried out on words in a title or description of site, the address of site and other information of account.
- Possibility of select of a categories of toplist for search;
- Possibility of a select of accounts fields for search. The search on a content of some fields of account is possible only from allowing admin;
- The Click on found site will be counted as an outgoing hit (OUT) from toplist.
• utility for administrator password change from the regular password to the network one (.htaccess) and vice versa;
• password retrieval utility for the participants;
• login and password autofilling when authorizing a participant.
• Participant registration settings:
• possibility to require approval of the administrator for modification of members information. If the member of toplist has changed information about itself (description, site title, banner, target link), then while the manager will not approve it, the old information will be displayed in list.
• possibility to send e-mail to the administrator when a new account is added or an existing one is edited;
• possibility to ban words from the list such as URL, Banner URL, e-mails, etc;
- multiple adding of members to the black list through commaNew;
- case insensitive determination of words from the black listNew;
• there are 3 additional fields which the administrator can rename and offer the participants for filling in. Administrator can make them mandatory for filling in;
• possibility to check recurring accounts;
• possibility to demand URL from which the traffic is sent;
• possibility to check availability of URL which is filled in by a Webmaster when registering.
• Possibility to turn off displaying banner of member in the list;
• multiediting of multiple members accounts;
• an opportunity of registration of the new member from the administrative interface (also with the chosen ID);
• Toplist system adjustments:
• possibility to choose reranking frequency of a toplist;
• possibility to chose time between the toplist resetting;
• possibility of a delay toplist rerank after the toplist resetting;
• possibility of keeping cheat-log, fixing a certain amount of time for information storage in the cheat-log and putting restrictions on its size. When the cheat-log reaches its maximum size it will be cut to the size assigned in the settings. One should remember that the cheat-log information is used for creating cheating attempts statistics.
New - new in 2.97 version
More detailed information about introduction of new functions can be found in the toplist changes log.
Additional modules: DF™ Toplist MerchantNew - payments reception and members' participation rules management system. The system allows to organize paid participation in the rating for all or a certain member. Terms of participation in the rating can be appointed and changed for each member, after this term the account will be blocked unless term prolongation of his participation will be paid. The system can send notices to the member about forthcoming account blocking. Administrator can appoint any quantity of the prolongation periods (tariff plans) with different price for each plan. Payments reception of electronic currency and term prolongation occurs automatically.
Basic features of the system:
- - Automatic reception of electronic money (PayPal) for payment of participation in the rating;
- - Unlimited support of various tariff plans;
- - Automatic blocking of unpaid member in the toplist and automatic unblocking them at reception of payments;
- - Post notices at each operation and before blocking;
- - Test period after members registration is available;
- - The detailed information about all transactions and their actual status;
- - Payment form integration into the user interface of the member;
- - An opportunity of the payment delay request for members;
New! DF™ Toplist MultiAdmin 1.12 - system for multiple toplists administration from the one administrative interface. The system is intended for simplification of toplists administration to owners of a plenty of toplists. The system has the high productivity (multithreading) and supports all basic administrative toplist functions. Demo: DF™ Toplist MultiAdmin: The Administrative toplists interface
• Accounts multiaddition. Two kinds of accounts multiediting.
• All kinds of toplist statistics for the administrator and members.
• Mailbox functions: viewing, removal of messages, creation of new messages and others.
• "Black lists" phrases, domains, mail boxes. Shared proxy IP-list.
• Members search of toplists by categories.
• Reviewing of accounts after registration or editing.
• Keeping of sites on the specefied place in the list (HoldRank).
• Fast login in administrative area of toplists on non-realized functions of multiadmin.
• the System doesn't need installation of the toplists used in system, near to itself.
• the System is delivered separately from a toplist and works with toplists of the version 2.8õ and is higher.
New!DF" Toplist MultiMembers 2.05 – a system for managing multiple toplist accounts. The system was created to simplify management of a large number of toplist accounts (accounts of toplist participants). The system allows a webmaster to work with multiple accounts simultaneously, editing personal info in the accounts, viewing the statistics and toplist system info. Mailbox functions also supported. Demo: DF" Toplist MultiMembers: The Interface of accounts management
New! • Top performance and stability due to multithread data exchange with toplists and multiple toplist connection attempts;
New! • Improved usability: dynamic menus, custom toplist account names (no need to remember tops and IDs);
• All member cabinet functions supported:
- Editing and multi-editing of account info in multiple accounts. Separate field editing option available.
- Viewing multiple types of statistics for different time periods. Traffic, referrer and country statistics available
- All mailbox functionality supported: viewing, deleting and creating messages, as well as other features.
- Toplist system information and participant entry link for this or that toplist available.
• Administrator interface used to add toplists to the system.
New! • Toplists unavailable for a set period of time are blocked automatically;
New! • Password reminder feature;
New! • Add-on modules can be used:
- DF" Google PR / Alexa Traffic Rank Checker - add-on module to detect PageRank and Alexa for toplists in the system.
- DF" Site Monitor - a module which monitors reciprocal links or banners on the member cabinet entry page of a toplist member. Used when you require a reciprocal link when adding a toplist to DF" Toplist MultiMembers.
• The system does not require to have the toplists which it works with to be installed in the same place.
• The system is supplied separately and works with toplists version 2.6x or higher.
DF TopList MultiAdd v1.47 - a system of automatic site adding to several toplists simultaneously. Webmaster fills in one time the registration form for adding into a few chosen by him toplists. Supplied separately from the toplist.
• There are simultaneous and step-by-step systems of adding into the toplists chosen;
• MultiAdd supports operation with categories, each category has the page;
On main page MultiAdd-system are listed all tops consisting in the system and there are references to category pages;
• All pages of the system have the templates in a format html;
• Is present of admin interface, which is possible: to edit templates of pages of the system, to add/delete tops, to create/delete categories and other useful functions;
• MultiAdd does not require installation tops using in the system near to itself (tops can be on different servers with the MultiAdd-system);
• MultiAdd works with tops (DF TopList Pro/Lite) all versions, not requiring their modernizing;
New! DF™ Site Monitor 2.14 The module of monitoring of websites availability and content of toplist members. The module allows to automatically block an member's account while inaccessibility of his site or if a site contains the forbidden by the administrator content.
• For each account there are separate parameters of blocking.
• For each account there are separate parameters of blockingSetup of the monitoring module and viewing of logs is available from the toplist administrative interface.
• There Is an opportunity to inform of the member by e-mail about inaccessibility or blocking of his site.
• The System is available separately from toplist and works with toplist versions 2.7õ and higher.
RandomURL - random redirection of the sites in the list. When invoking, the script gives out an URL of a randomly chosen site from the list. Each time the RandomURL is invoked an Out Hit is counted for the site chosen by the script. It is possible to put a restriction on the number of sites out of which the choice is made that is you can adjust redirection among a few first sites in the list.
Available services: Multimanaging of toplist accounts - service allows to toplist owners to manage several accounts simultaneously. Supported all functions of member's zone: edit, statistics vewing, mail, etc. Service is free.
DF TopList Pro/Lite owners can add toplist to the service for free. Has added toplist to the system, you will provide yours members with comfortable service and, in addition, promote your toplist by gathering other webmasters, who uses this service.
• list of toplists with information about each toplist: reset time, traffic amount, etc. Information is refreshing routinely.
• toplists ranking at the list by traffic amount.
• Automatically remove of inactive toplists from the system.
Trades Cleaner - service which helps you to struggle with cheaters who use exploits, opener, iframe and so on, everything that reduces your efficiency finally.
• every trade is checked in random order many time everyday;
• script automatically changes languages, a proxy, browsers to be much as possible similar on usual serfer;
• script will automatically decode all coded scripts;