Installing the system on a server as a web service.

When the system works as a web service, it has a web interface and is set up through your browser.

1. Preparing to installation.

For installing You should have the distribution kit and FTP access. Domain name wich will be used for installation should be web accessable.

1.1 Choosing the distribution kit.

It is needed to identify the operating system (OS) of a server the system will be installed on. The distribution kit should match the OS on server. If the distribution kit You have doesn't match the OS please address to DF for the needed distribution kit. At the moment we compile our software for: Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris (CPU x86) and Windows NT.

You may find out the OS from server administraor or identify the OS independently using "DF Perl Informer" testing script.

For identifying the OS independently You should:

  • download Perl Informer from site (
  • upload in text mode perlinfo.cgi in folder "cgi-bin" on the site the system will be installed on, assign permissoin 755 (rwx r-x r-x).
  • call trough the web
  • The OS should be visible in the row Operation System: [ linux / freebsd / solaris / MSWin32 ]

1.2 Uploading the distribution kit.

Extract files conained in archive (wchkrpra.cgi, setup_chkrpra.cgi) to local disk and upload them on server in cgi-bin directory, where will be the system installed. Files with extension .cgi must be uploaded in binary mode. After upload assign its permition to 755.

1.3 Registration (It is not used at installation a trial version of the program, skip this paragraph).

Run wchkrpra.cgi with registration parameter ( A system registration form should appear. Enter your login and password on which you got when you purchased the system. After registration chkrpra.cgi should be generated. If there are any errors during registration, you can get more information from error.log.

1.4 Settings.

To set up the web service you have to edit wchkrpra.cgi and set the variables described below.


- Number of threads (the number of simultaneously processed URLs).


- Maximum amount of web addresses processed per single script run. Setting this variable to -1 cancels this limitation.

$maxscripts=3; # -1 — unlimited

- Maximum amount of scripts being executed on a server simultaneously. Setting this variable to -1 cancels this limitation.


- Maximum time during which the script may work on the server until closed by Apache. This parameter is optional, leaving the default value recommended.

Installing the system as a console application.

When the system works as a console application, there is no user interface. Server command line (shell) has to be used. Files or streams (stdin/stdout) are used for data exchange. When the system is in this mode, more URLs can be processed without the server closing the application after a set time.

1. Preparing to installation.

To install the system you need the installation package, FTP and shell access.

1.1 Choosing the distribution kit.

It is needed to identify the operating system (OS) of a server the system will be installed on. The distribution kit should match the OS on server. If the distribution kit You have doesn't match the OS please address to DF for the needed distribution kit.

You can find out about the operating system of your server from your server administrator or by using shell or DF Perl Informer, the checking script, using it as described above.

1.2 Uploading the distribution kit.

Extract files contained in archive (wchkrpra.cgi, setup_chkrpra.cgi) to local disk and upload "setup_chkrpra.cgi" on server in directory, where will be the system installed. Files with extension .cgi must be uploaded in binary mode. After upload assign its permition to 755.

1.3 Registration (It is not used at installation a trial version of the program, skip this paragraph).

Run setup_chkrpra.cgi with "reg" parameter and your login and password on, which you got when purchasing the system (..#./setup_chkrpra.cgi reg your_login your_password). After registration chkrpra.cgi should be generated. If there are any errors during registration, you can get more information from error.log.

Installing the system on your home PC.

The system is used as a console application under Windows NT/2000/XP/2003+, there is no user interface, so command line has to be used. Mostly files are used for data exchange: the system reads the URLs from one file, determines the PR/Alexa and outputs data to another file.

1. Preparing to installation.

For installing You should have the distribution kit of the system for OS Windows.

1.2 Install.

Extract files contained in archive (wchkrpra.cgi, setup_chkrpra.cgi) to local disk, where will be the system installed.

1.3 Registration.

Run setup_chkrpra.cgi with "reg" parameter and your login and password on, which you got when purchasing the system (..#./setup_chkrpra.cgi reg your_login your_password). After registration chkrpra.cgi should be generated. If there are any errors during registration, you can get more information from error.log.

! If you don't like the "cgi" extension, you can change it to "exe".

Setting up the parameters.

Here parameters and settings sent to chkrpra.cgi while working in the console mode on a server or your home PC.

1. Determining PR/Alexa for a single URL displaying the results on the screen:

Command line:

./chkrpra.cgi checkurl URL MODE

URL — web site URL;
MODE — parameters to be determined for the site checked:
g — Google PageRank;
a — Alexa Traffic Rank;
ga — Google PageRank и Alexa Traffic Rank.


URL PR Alexa

PR — Google PageRank;
Alexa — Alexa Traffic Rank;

If PR or Alexa are shown as -1, it means the system was unable to determine these parameters or they were skipped during this query.


Query: ./chkrpra.cgi checkurl ga

Result: 5 439068

2. Determining PR/Alexa for multiple sites:

Command line:

./chkrpra.cgi check gpr=on/off atr=on/off pradvchk=on/off/zero prbydomain=on/off indata=file/stream/cmd infile=filename outdata=file/stream outfile=filename sortby=gpr/atr/prfile threads=5 url= ipgoogle=GOOGLE_IP1,GOOGLE_IP2,GOOGLE_IP3 prvalue=max/avg/min/all proxy=PROXY_IP1:PORT,PROXY_IP2:PORT,PROXY_IP3:PORT proxyfile=proxy.txt checkviaproxy=ag/a/g gtimeout=5 atimeout=15

gpr — determining Google PageRank (on — yes, off — no);
atr — determining Alexa Traffic Rank (on — yes, off — no);
pradvchk — improved PageRank detecting mode (on — enabled (PR<>-1), off — disabled (PR=-1), zero — display zero PageRank (PR=0)). Detecting PageRank value for sites which show grey Google Toolbar PageRank meter. This mode is enabled by default.
ipgoogle — choosing Google datacenters (ipgoogle=,,,,, used for getting PageRank value from specified datacenters, or for determining max PageRank from specified datacenters (prmax=on). If this parameter is not specified, several popular Google datacenters are used, which is build into the script.
prvalue — obtaining PageRank by getting data from several datacenters (max — max value, avg — average value, min — min value, all — displaying all PageRank values). When using the prvalue=all option, PageRank values from all specified datacenters will be displayed. Output format: PR(GOOGLE_IP1=PR1,GOOGLE_IP2=PR2,GOOGLE_IP3=PR3). Where: PR — average value, GOOGLE_IP1,GOOGLE_IP2,GOOGLE_IP3 — Google datacenters, PR1,PR2,PR3 — PageRank values obtained from the datacenters.
indata — method of getting URLs ('file' — file, 'stream' — stdin, 'cmd' — URL is set in the command line);
infile — name of file containing URLs, works together with indata=file;
The format for URLs in a file or sent to the system as a stream should be as follows (simple URL list with one URL per line):

url — web site URL, use together with indata=cmd (indata=cmd url=;
outdata — method of data output (file, stream — stdout on screen);
outfile — name of generated file with URLs and PR/Alexa values, works together with outdata=file;
Format of the output data (if PageRank or Alexa value is not determined, it won't be displayed):
URL1 [PR] [Alexa]
URL2 [PR] [Alexa]

URLn [PR] [Alexa]
sortby — setting up the web site URLs to be sorted in a file or output of the ULRs to different files depending on their PageRank.
gpr — sorting URLs by Google PR;
atr — sorting the URLs by Alexa Traffic Rank;
prfile — output of URLs to multiple files depending on the site PageRank value. The file names start from the PR value of URLs stored in this file (0.txt, 1.txt, ..., 9.txt). This parameter has to be used together with "outdata=file". When you use "sortby=prfile" together with "outfile=myfile.txt", you will get files looking like: 0myfile, 1myfile.txt, ..., 9myfile.txt
threads — number of threads (amount of URLs processed simultaneously).
proxy — proxy servers (PROXY_IP1:PORT,PROXY_IP2:PORT,PROXY_IP3:PORT).
proxyfile — file with proxies (proxy.txt).
checkviaproxy — setting up SEO parameters which will be detected using proxies (ag — Alexa&PageRank, a — Alexa, g — PageRank).
When assigning proxies (proxy/proxyfile) with no certain SEO parameters to be determined (checkviaproxy), all possible SEO parameters will be obtained using these proxies (Alexa&PageRank).
gtimeout — max timeout when waiting for server reply while getting the PR value (in seconds). 5 sec by default.
atimeout — max timeout when waiting for server reply while getting Alexa Rank value (in seconds). 15 sec by default.
When using proxies, increasing this value is recommended.